College Association
for Language and Literacy
After two long years without our annual CALL conference, we were very excited to host a virtual conference in 2021!
Virtual CALL 2021 included a keynote address from Flower Darby, the sharing of teaching ideas and reflections from college faculty across the province, and an interactive panel discussion with Teaching and Learning Centre experts, all addressing the question "Where Do We Go From Here?" in the post-pandemic future of our profession.
Shared Presentation Files:
"A CALL for Humanized Teaching and Learning" - William Hennessy (Algonquin)
"18 Simple Practices That Makes a Huge Difference" - Andreia Arai-Rissman (George Brown)
"Community, Clarity, Collaboration" - Shelley Bradley, Barbara Buetter, Sandra Merk, Matt Sajn (Niagara)
"Anchor Your Voice: Audio Recordings as Assessments" - Vivien Slezak (George Brown)
"Engaging Students With Mentimeter" - Colin Boucher (Algonquin - Pembroke)
"From On-Campus to Online: Lessons Learned Through Virtual Remote Teaching" - Gabrielle Berube (Algonquin)
"Conscious or Unconscious Bias? That is the Question" - Melodie Wilson (Algonquin)
2021 Virtual CALL Conference
"Where Do We Go From Here?